How long does it take to see conversions in Facebook?

Learn about the various delays that can affect your conversions to be displayed in the Facebook Ads Manager.

AnyTrack sends the conversions in real time to Facebook. In most cases, conversions will be reported in the ads manager within hours but due to iOS14 tracking limitations, facebook might take up to 72 hours to attribute the conversions.

Good to know: while conversions can take up to 72 hours to be attributed to your ads in the ads manager, the Event Manager will display conversions within 10-20 minutes.

How can I see the conversions Anytrack send to Facebook?

  1. Open the Event Manager
  2. Check the Event Details
  3. Open the Recent Events
  4. Hover the Event Parameters and you'll see customer parameters starting with the prefix AT


Conversions in Anytrack campaigns reports don't match facebook attributed results.

Please consult the article that explains everything you need to know about the campaign reports.

Although AnyTrack collects all the conversions data even for iOS 14.5 devices, Facebook will not attribute all your conversions in your campaigns due to iOS 14.5 updates and other privacy restrictions.

You can still see those conversions in AnyTrack and we are constantly working to improve the attribution rate on your Facebook account.

Please also verify you enabled all the relevant events on your Facebook pixel settings and that AnyTrack actually sends the conversions to Facebook.

Check the Facebook tracking checklist