How to use Google Analytics to sync your conversions with Google Ads

This guide follows the standard steps recommended by Google to sync your Google Analytics account with Google Ads

This guide follows the standard steps recommended by Google to sync your Google Analytics goals with Google Ads.


*Google Analytics GA4 is in development.

Google Analytics settings:

Before you connect with Google Ads, you need to update the Google Analytics property settings to Allow manual tagging (UTM).


Google Ads settings:

  1. Open the Conversion menu.

  2. Add a conversion

  3. Select the Import option

  4. Select Google Analytics & Click Continue
    ℹ️ You will see a list of conversion goals to import from your Google Analytics account

  5. Select the Conversion Goals  you want to import

  6. Update each conversion according to your needs

  7. Check or not  the "Include in Conversions" option

    ⚠️ Depending on how you run your campaigns this option can have a huge impact on your campaign performances.

Google Ads UTM Tracking Template:

  1. Navigate to your Account Settings
    ℹ️ To access your account settings, you need to be on the "All Campaigns" view

  2. Enable Auto-Tag if it's not enabled yet

  3. Paste the tracking template

The recommended tracking template can be found under your Ads Integration tab in the pixel settings of your AnyTrack account.

The tracking template is where you add URL tracking parameters to your ads. You can use URL parameters to customize your final URL. The information is used to create your landing page URL when an ad is clicked.

For example:

  • your final ad URL is
  • You are targeting the keyword "Conversion Tracking Platform"
  • Your add the URL tracking parameters: {lpurl}?url={lpurl}&utm_term={keyword}

At Run time, the URL will become:


Congratulations! 🎉

From now on, conversions triggered in AnyTrack will be automatically sent to Google Analytics and synced with Google Ads.