Facebook Ads account validation

How to verify that your Facebook Ads account is properly configured and integrated

To make the most out of your Facebook Ads campaigns and the data collected and generated by Anytrack, we provide several tools that will let you validate your account settings.

AnyTrack & Facebook Integration Overview

The initial step to connect with Facebook is by selecting the Facebook Business Manager and pixel as seen in the illustration.


Access Token

AnyTrack leverages the Facebook Business Extension API to enable the integration and therefore the access token is generated in the background when you authenticate with your Facebook account.

How to validate your Ads

To validate your ads, navigate to the Ads Integration Tag and hit the Verify Ads Button.

AnyTrack will then fetch your ads and check that you've got the right UTM tracking template set on your ads.

You can learn more about the verification process here.


Possible errors and solutions

The wrong pixel was selected

You've connected the wrong pixel, and consequently, AnyTrack can't retrieve the relevant ads attached to it.


  1. Delete the pixel connection
  2. Reconnect with the correct pixel.

Business Account permissions

You must have admin permissions on the business manager, ad account, and pixel to connect all entities to your AnyTrack Account.

If you don't see the "asset" you are trying to connect with, it's usually because you don't have the correct permissions.



Open your business manager and update your permissions accordingly

Important notice:

Even if you are the business manager owner, you won't inherit the admin permissions automatically. Instead, you need to add each asset - Pixel, Page, ad account, etc... 

The campaigns are not running.

AnyTrack verifies ads that are currently active. So if your ads are offline/paused, they won't be retrieved during the verification process.


Turn on your ads or try to verify your ads once the ads are running.

Ignoring Ads found under other pixels

When you click VERIFY ADS SETTINGS  AnyTrack might find ads under other pixels.

  • The pixels and number of ads are displayed.
  • The pixels connected in AnyTrack should be the ones that your ads are optimizing for.


With an ADVANCED plan you can add multiple Tracking Pixels to your account.