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EverFlow Integration

How to integrate affiliate networks running on EverFlow with AnyTrack

Everflow is an affiliate management platform that enables brands and affiliate networks manage their partnerships by providing an "end to end" solution for tracking, payment, offer and creative management.

Good to know

The EverFlow integration enables you to connect with any affiliate network running on the everflow platform.

EverFlow and AnyTrack integration overview

When you've added your AnyTrack Tag to your site and added the AnyTrack Postback URL in your affiliate account several things happen simultaneously:

  1. AnyTrack will AutoTrack and AutoTag your EverFlow Offer links
  2. AnyTrack will fire OutboundClick events to your ad pixels and Analytics
  3. AnyTrack Postback URL will receive conversions from EverFlow
  4. AnyTrack forwards conversion events to your ad pixels and analytics

Popular use cases for the EverFlow Anytrack integration

  • Run affiliate campaigns on Facebook Ads and send your EverFlow Conversion Data to the Facebook Conversion API
  • Build retargeting audiences in Google Ads from EverFlow conversions
  • Build Facebook audiences from Everflow conversions and promote upsells offers from other Affiliate Networks.


  1. You must add the AnyTrack tag on the landing page where your traffic is landing.
  2. You must have access to your everflow account with admin permissions

EverFlow setup step-by-step guide:

  1. Navigate to the Integration catalog

  2. Search EverFlow or click on the EverFlow card

  3. Install the Integration
  4. Copy the predefined Postback URL from the EverFlow integration in your AnyTrack account.
  5. Go to your Everflow affiliate account

  6. Navigate to the postback settings

    • Set the option Status as Active

    • Set the option Type as Conversion

    • Set the option Postback level as Global

    • Set the option Delivery method as Postback

  7. Paste the postback URL

  8. Click on the Add button at the bottom right of your screen

  9. Save your settings

The integration will remain inactive until AnyTrack Postback URL receives a first conversion.

EverFlow offer link tracking methods:

As explained in the affiliate link tracking section, AnyTrack Tag will AutoTag affiliate links according to 3 criterias:

  1. If you've published your links "as is" on your site (no hidden redirects or JS triggered links)

  2. According to a link attribute called data-tracking-group="everflow"

    <a href="https://anytrack.io/goto/leadpages" data-tracking-group="everflow" data-brand="leadpages" rel="sponsored">landing page builder</a>
  3. AutoScan - The crawler will scan your links and tag them accordingly

EverFlow Conversions

Anytrack ingests EverFlow conversion data in real time through the predefined Postback URL. Once the conversion is received it is attributed to your ads and sent to your connected analytics and conversion api.

EverFlow Conversion Data Payload

This is the complete conversion payload sent by EverFlow to AnyTrack.

Key value pairs in bold are used in AnyTrack conversion logic and data processing.

"creative_name": null,
"mac_address_sha1": null,
"affiliate_id": "32xx",
"android_id_sha1": null,
"idfa_md5": null,
"device_type": "Mobile",
"offer_project_id": null,
"creative_id": "0",
"datetime": "2022-09-16 11:09:07",
"geo_country_name": "United States",
"android_id_md5": null,
"payout_amount": "59.9",
"app_id": null,
"transaction_id": "fdff0de28eef41fdbf080f1967819591",
"idfa": null,
"offer_name": "Skin - XX 49.95 - EN",
"google_aid": null,
"revenue_amount": null,
"user_id": null,
"idfa_sha1": null,
"geo_region_name": "Pennsylvania",
"event_name": "Base",
"device_platform": "iOS",
"mac_address_md5": null,
"device_os_version": "15.6",
"device_language": "en",
"geo_region_code": "PA",
"sub4": "5400",
"sub5": "jN5QG8susKbLsG44rJURbYk0yaj1YGFlWB",
"sub2": null,
"device_model": "iPhone 12 Pro",
"sub3": null,
"device_browser": "Facebook for iOS",
"sub1": null,
"advertiser_id": null,
"random": "768955663",
"offer_currency": "USD",
"mac_address": null,
"user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_6_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/19G82 [FBAN/FBIOS;FBDV/iPhone13,3;FBMD/iPhone;FBSN/iOS;FBSV/15.6.1;FBSS/3;FBID/phone;FBLC/en_US;FBOP/5]",
"timestamp": [
"amount": null,
"offer_id": "5400",
"affiliate_name": "Stat",
"event_id": "11895",
"device_brand": "Apple",
"geo_country_code": "US",
"source_id": null,
"advertiser_name": null,
"android_id": null

Conversion Events

EverFlow does not provide a conversion name parameter so AnyTrack applies a conversion funnel logic rule.

Every time the AnyTrack Postback URL is requested, it will carry all parameters available in the EverFlow platform, including the AnyTrack Click ID, a transaction ID, payout and other

  • Conversion with commission value = 0 → Lead
  • Conversion with commission value > 0 → Purchase
  • Any Subsequent conversions → Purchase

(Multi) Subid Parameters 

Use this feature if you know what you're doing and if you have a very specific reason to do so. 

By default AnyTrack uses the sub5 parameter to pass the AnyTrack Click ID. However, AnyTrack API will parse all subid parameters passed into the postback to pick the correct ClickID.

What it means is that if you are already using the sub5 parameter to pass an external value into the the EverFlow offer links, you can pick a different one to pass the clickid in the postback.


If conversions are not showing up, check the conversion log which should give you the hints as to what we're missing to capture the conversions.

Learn how to use the conversion event log to troubleshoot your integrations.