AnyTrack Quick Start Guide

Set up your AnyTrack account in minutes and track your live traffic and conversion data across all your ad platforms, analytics, and conversion sources.

This guide covers the main setup requirements for a standard setup. At the end of this guide, your AnyTrack account will be fully setup and you'll start seeing your live traffic and conversion data being synced across your ad platforms, analytics and conversion sources.

This guide is divided into 3 sections which covers the setup flows as well as validation steps and ways to verify your setup is accurate:

  1. Adding and configuring your property.
  2. Connecting with your tracking pixels and ad accounts.
  3. Integrating with conversion sources such as Shopify, Affiliate Networks or lead generation platforms.

Connect your website

1. Create a New Property.
2. Give it a name and set the URL (the root domain is enough).
3. Click Next and to get your unique AnyTrack Tracking Tag.
4. Edit your website's code and paste the Tracking Tag in the `head` section.

You can also Add the Tracking Tag via Google Tag Manager or according to instructions provided by your website's provider (Clickfunnels, Wordpress, Shopify etc...)

5. Visit your website to trigger a `PageView` and validate the initial setup.
6. Update your Property Settings (Currency, Timezone).

These settings affect the dashboard reports, so make sure they match your ad account settings.

7. Update the Client Side Tracking settings (Only if you know what you're doing).

Connect your Ad Accounts

1. Select your pixel and authenticate with your account.
2. Connect with your Ad Account.
3. Enable the Conversion API.
4. Map AnyTrack Conversions with your Ad Platform's Conversions.
5. Open the Ads Integration Tab, copy the recommended UTM Tracking Template and add it to your ads.
6. Verifying your Ads Tracking Templates.
7. Save

Connect your Conversion Sources

Conversion sources are the platforms where your conversions are triggered. They can be a shop, an affiliate network, a CRM, a lead generation platform.

While we try to standardize the integration process, each conversion source might have slightly different settings. Pay attention to the step by step guide to avoid any type of frictions.

1. Navigate to the Integration Catalog and search for the platform you wish to connect.
2. Click on the Integration Card and then on install.
3. Fill the name and URL (if required), and click Next.
4. Follow the step by step Instructions.
5. Update the Conversion Mapping if needed.
6. Save

FAQ and Troubleshooting

These are general troubleshooting guidelines. Refer to each integration's guidelines for specific guidelines.

Event log shows errors

  •   Follow the article that will help you troubleshoot your conversions.

How long does it take to see conversions in Event Manager?

  •   About 15-20 minutes.

Conversions are not reported under the correct campaigns

  • Anytrack reports conversions based on Last Click and with unlimited attribution window, while Ad Platforms have their own attribution models and windows, and do not provide an API end-point that set the Ad Set, Ad ID or campaign's.

AnyTrack Dashboard doesn't show data.

  • Check the Campaign Reports as you'll see real time data. Dashboard first time sync can take a few hours.

Not tracking the correct conversion names

  •  Check that your event mapping is accurate and adjust accordingly.

Duplicate conversions in Facebook Event Manager

  • Check that you've disabled any other system sending conversion data to facebook. Anytrack sends only server side events. So if you see Browser events it means that an other system is sending data.

Low match rate

  • The match rate depends on the conversion data you receive from your integrations. For example, if you're getting conversions from Shopify, your match rate will be high since we collect plenty of parameters including personal data. 
  • If you're an affiliate marketer, your match rate will never be "great" since you don't have the customer personal data.
  • Note however, that the match rate is only an indication of the quality of the data you send, but does not prevent attribution to be accurate. 

Campaign metrics are not accurate

  •   Ad campaign metrics are imported on an hourly basis. So what you see in AnyTrack will always show some discrepancy with your ad accounts.
  •  Anytrack collected data (sessions, new visitors and conversion events) are reported in "near real time". The campaign reports are built out of the UTM tracking parameters AnyTrack collects when visitors hit your website. If your reports are misaligned, please check that all your ads carry the recommended UTM Tracking template