What are the standard events AnyTrack automatically capture

Learn about the standard events that are automatically captured by the AnyTrack Tracking Tag

For most websites, AnyTrack captures OutboundClick and FormSubmit events automatically.


PageView events

Every page your visitors visit on your website will trigger a PageView event. This event will trigger automatically via AnyTrack TAG and will be used for attribution and campaign tracking. AnyTrack is not responsible for triggering PageView events on your tracking pixels and, by default, each pixel will trigger its own PageView event independently.

OutboundClick events

Any <a /> link with the rel="nofollow" or rel="sponsored" attribute will trigger an OutboundClick event.

In addition, links recognized from supported integrations will trigger OutboundClick events, and will be AutoTagged with the appropriate subid parameters.

FormSubmit events

Any <form> tag on your website will generate a FormSubmit event. Standard parameters will also be captured automatically if they are recognized as one of our supported integrations.



By default AnyTrack ignores login forms and blog comments.

Additional events

If your website is running on one of our supported integrations other standard events might be automatically tracked - AddToCart, InitiateCheckout etc...


Server-Side Tracking

Server-side Tracking enables you to orchestrate your conversion data from a server, third party application,or API and send it to AnyTrack.

It’s possible to trigger more conversion events from third party applications or platforms and send them directly to the AnyTrack server.

If needed, you may want to trigger custom events via our tracking tag and have custom logic when you want to trigger those events. Please note that triggering custom events require some basic HTML and JavaScript skills.