Shopify Integration checklist

In this article, we summarize the most important aspects of the Shopify integration

This article summarizes the most important aspects of the Shopify integration so you can quickly identify items you might have missed or overlooked.


Before we fine-tune your Shopify Integration, let's check the basic settings that will allow you to track what's happening on your site, both client side and server side.

  1. You've created a property and added the AnyTrack Tag to your Shopify Head section.
  2. You've created a Shopify Integration and added the AnyTrack Webhook to your Shop.

If you missed one of these steps, please refer to our full Shopify & AnyTrack Integration article.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Integration Checklist

AnyTrack account:

  • Do you see the conversions in AnyTrack? Check the integration Event Log.
  • In your campaign report, do you see UTM parameters and associated values?
  • Did you enable the Facebook Conversion API?
  • Is your conversion event mapping set to send the conversions you want to the Facebook API?

Shopify Account:

  • Did you disable/disconnect Facebook and Google pixels from your store?
  • Did you add the webhooks (with the "latest" api version)
  • Did you add the AnyTrack tag to your header script?

Facebook Ads account:

  • Did you connect with the correct pixel ID?
  • Are you using the Facebook Tracking URL template provided by AnyTrack? (how to verify your ads)
  • Did you verify your domain with Facebook Business Manager
  • Do you have a domain allow list? Are you seeing domains that shouldn't be there?
  • Did you select your 8 conversion events?
  • Did you enable 1st party cookies?
  • Did you enable all automatic matching parameters?
  • Did you select the right conversion event for your campaign?
  • Do you see the conversion events in the Facebook Event Manager?

Does your cart display the atclid parameter?

  • This happens when Shopify Apps do not "respect" the native "hidden" field settings created by other Shopify Apps. ๐Ÿ‘‰ Follow this article to fix it.


Webhooks Settings

  • Make sure you have all your webhooks enabled according to the Integration instructions.
  • Do not modify the Webhooks settings.
  • Make sure you have selected the latest webhook version.

๐Ÿšซ Shopify's default webhook version selection is set to the "unstable" version. So please pay attention when you select the version.


Client Side Tracking Settings

โžก๏ธ The client-side settings are located in the Property Settings -> settings

  • Client side tracking relates to website events that can be tracked via the AnyTrack Tag. For example:  AddToCart, or OutboundClick, or FormSubmit.
  • Client Side Tracking gives you more control over the Checkout Flow events and lets you enrich your ad pixel with more data points that will be later used for server-side tracking and attribution. 

โœ… URL parameter - allows AnyTrack to pass and read unique tracking parameters through your funnel

โœ… Hidden parameter - AnyTrack passes a unique tracking parameter into the cart's standard hidden fields. This option enables you to guarantee maximum tracking accuracy.

๐Ÿ‘‰ For best results we recommend both options should be turned on.

Client Side Integration Events

  • Client Side Tracking has proven to be faulty due to ad blockers and other privacy-focused browsers. AnyTrack uses Server Side integration to receive and send events, so you can guarantee 100% tracked conversions. 
  • Each method has its benefits, but since every shop is different, you have the ability to modify these settings to accommodate your business needs and requirements.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Your server-side integration event settings can be found in the Integration on your AnyTrack account.

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๐Ÿšซ The Purchase event is disabled by default since Server Side Tracking is far more reliable.

  • Unless you've set your Anytrack property client-side tracking to send purchase events, you should only see Purchase events sent via SERVER in your Facebook Events Manager.


Disconnect the direct Shopify Integration with Facebook

  • If your Facebook Event Manager shows an alert that you are sending duplicate conversions or that you're not using the right parameters to deduplicate conversions, it means that more than one system is sending conversions to the Facebook Pixel - through the JS tag or conversion API.
  • Since AnyTrack and Shopify use a different deduplication event_id, Facebook will not be able to deduplicate the conversions.
  • You should ๐Ÿ‘‰ disable the Facebook Conversion API from within your Shopify App

I disconnected Facebook tracking, and I still see duplications in the event manager.

  • If you have no Facebook tracking and you still see duplication, check if the "Track events automatically without code" feature is turned on in Facebook.
    1.  Go to event manager on the Facebook platform
    2. Click on the relevant pixel
    3. Go to settings
    4. Scroll down and make sure that the next option is OFF

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eCommerce conversions are not showing up in Google Analytics

In Google Analytics:

  • Make sure you've enabled both eCommerce and enhanced eCommerce
  • ๐Ÿ‘‰ Admin > View Settings > eCommerce

In AnyTrack:

  • Make sure you have enabled the Server-Side Tracking from the Google Analytics Integration.
  • Make sure you have enabled the enhanced eCommerce option

Why should I also connect to Google Analytics?

  • If you run campaigns on Google Ads
  • If you want to see your conversions in Google Analytics (faster than in Facebook Ads)
  • If you want to see a lifetime value of your campaigns - regardless of the traffic sources.
  • If you want to create custom audiences out of any traffic sources and retarget on Google Ads Display, youtube, or Gmail.

๐Ÿ’ก Learn more about the AnyTrack Google Analytics Integration


I use a custom Shopify App for my checkout. Does AnyTrack support custom Shopify Apps?

  • Yes, in most cases.
  • If you see some discrepancies, please contact support so we can make the necessary adjustments.

I am using email marketing software. Does AnyTrack track email campaigns?

  • Yes. You will be able to see the conversions triggered by your email campaigns in Anytrack.
  • You must append standard UTM parameters to your email campaigns.

Why do I have a low Click ID (fbc) match rate?

  • AnyTrack sends ALL conversion data to the Facebook Conversion API (including organic, google etcโ€ฆ).
  • When itโ€™s from Facebook traffic it will be sent with the fbc parameter - if not, then only the fbp parameter is sent.
  • It's likely that most of your traffic doesnโ€™t come from Facebook - hence thereโ€™s no fbclid parameter to capture.
  • Refer to Google Analytics attribution reports to uncover which other traffic sources might be responsible for your conversions
