What is the pricing model for AnyTrack?

We have multiple subscription plans, ranging from Free to $300 / month.

We have multiple subscription plans, ranging from Free to $300 / month. You can visit our pricing page to find out which plan is best for you.

Each plan is structured according to the number of properties you add to your account, the ad integrations ad the conversion sources integrations.

Plan structure:

Monthly sessions

This is the total number of sessions generated by all properties under your account. Each plan comes with a cap, and an overage rate per 1000 sessions.

The Overage Rate is displayed in your account's billing section.


A user can generate 1 session that include 200 Events, and the same user can trigger 10 sessions that will trigger each 150 Events. 

The total number of sessions will be 11 sessions.

Number of properties

This is the number of websites where you add the AnyTrack TAG to.


A property is usually a single domain and it's associated sub-domains.

Ad Integrations

This is the number of ad integrations you can connect a property with. 

For example, if you are on the personal plan, you can add all ads integrations to each property you connect to your account.

On the other hand, the Basic plan allows for a single ad integration.

Conversion Source Integrations

The number of conversion sources you integrate to your account.

Note that Conversion sources are set at the account level, not the property level.


Certain functionalities are only available on certain plan.

For example, webhooks integration are only available from the Personal plan and up.

⛔Note: Server-side events to Ad Pixels are not available in the Free Plan