How to integrate Outbrain with AnyTrack

Learn how to integrate Outbrain with AnyTrack for Server-Side tracking

How to integrate Outbrain with AnyTrack and sync your conversion data.

Outbrain is one of the world's top Native ad networks. Their ad feed is displayed across top media outlets in any vertical and seamlessly integrates with top-quality content.

Integrating Outbrain with AnyTrack will allow you to track both Engagements and Conversions, so you can optimize your campaigns according to any conversion types and build custom audiences accordingly.

How does the AnyTrack - Outbrain integration work?

  1. Enable conversion tracking

  2. Enable Server-Side Tracking (conversions sent by your affiliate networks, CRM, APIs, Webhooks).

  3. Update your conversion settings in Outbrain

  4. Add the URL tracking template to your account settings.

Enable Conversion Tracking

Once you toggle the Conversion Tracking option, you will have to associate the conversion names set in Outbrain with the standard conversion names in AnyTrack.

You can use the default Event Names displayed on your account or update the names according to your needs.

Setup Conversion Goals:

  • In Outbrain:

    • Navigate to the Conversions setup

    • Create a new conversion

    • Select Event Based

  • AnyTrack - Tracking Pixels: Update the conversion mapping accordingly.

  • Save the conversion goal settings

Repeat this process for each conversion goal you want AnyTrack to send to Outbrain.

  • Copy the tracking template and Paste it into your Outbrain campaign under the suffix option



Outbrain doesn't have a global setting for the tracking template. Therefore, you need to add the tracking template (suffix) to each of your campaigns.