How to setup AnyTrack when your Shop has multiple languages

The global reach that the internet provides us with can have some tracking challenges too.

The global reach that the internet provides us with can have some tracking challenges too. Becoming a global brand with multiple languages, multiple websites, and perhaps running on separate domains or subdomains can turn a simple setup into an overcomplicated setup.

Before implementing AnyTrack, let's zoom out and look at the different aspects to consider and their subsequent implications.

Here is a list of questions you need to answer:

  1. Is each language running on a different Shopify Instance?
  2. Is each language running on a different domain?
  3. Is each language running on a different subdomain?
  4. Are you using the same marketing infrastructure for all your languages?
    1. Analytics
    2. Ad Pixels
    3. Marketing tools

Each of these questions' goal is to help you define whether you'll have to create a single property in AnyTrack, or a property for each language.

Consumer privacy considerations:

Beyond the GDPR laws and other regulations, browser privacy features can impact your data collection and tracking capabilities.

As a general rule, as long as the business runs on the same root domain, cookies can be shared between subdomains and are considered First Party cookies.

Let's see some examples:

Subdomains and can carry the same AnyTrack or Google Analytics tag, and the associated cookies will be shared. Therefore, you can create a single property and connect the same GA accounts and Facebook Pixels - visitors will be able to switch from one website to the other and will keep their identification/cookie data intact.

Different domains

Now imagine we have our marketing website hosted on, and we open up our developer website to invite our customers to develop their own integrations to extend the capabilities of AnyTrack.

When visitors switch from one domain to the other, they will get a new set of cookies, even though the websites carry the same tracking tag.

Google Analytics and AnyTrack will mitigate the cookie setting according to the top-level domain and, therefore, will set new cookies.

To avoid this situation and keep customer identification intact, Google Analytics and AnyTrack have a cross-domain feature.

Marketing stack consideration

If you run your shops as different business units across different teams, you might want to split your data silos to ensure each team sees its own data and there are no overlapping or data crossovers. 

But splitting your marketing infrastructure comes with challenges and limitations.

For example, you will need separate Google Analytics properties, Ad Pixels, and other marketing tools. This route can be costly both in terms of internal resources and software fees.

AnyTrack property considerations

Considering that you want to make the most out of AnyTrack and your other marketing resources, you will need to take into consideration the following benefits and limitations:

Ad Pixels & Analytics integrations

You can connect multiple GA Properties, and Facebook Pixels, to the same AnyTrack property. However, every single pixel and analytics will get hit with conversion events and will load no matter which website/language it is.

So if you have 10 languages and you have Facebook Pixels, all of them will load simultaneously - which is not something that is not recommended.

Scenario #1: Multi Stack

This is where you have multiple domains (.fr, .it, .de), and you want to keep things separated between all your languages, so you can have different agencies running ads for you in their respective countries.

In this case, you'll have to create a complete workspace (property + integrations).

  • Property
  • Analytics & Pixels
  • Webhooks

As explained above, while you can connect multiple ad pixels with the same AnyTrack property, we will simultaneously fire every single conversion to all the pixels.

If you want to track visitors that move from one language to another, you can enable "cross-domain", and the data will flow between the properties.

Scenario #2: Shared Stack

You've got multiple shops on separate subdomains (the same root domain), but you're using the same marketing stack (same FB pixel & GA).

  • Create one property
  • Connect your FB and GA account
  • Add the Anytrack webhooks in each store

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