How to integrate Klaviyo with AnyTrack

The Email marketing channel remains one of the most profitable channels among marketers.

The Email marketing channel remains one of the most profitable channels among marketers. Whether email marketing is part of your omnichannel marketing strategy or it's the core of your business, tracking beyond your open and click-through rate is key to your business growth.


While this integration does not require any programming or technical skills, it still requires that you update settings in your Klaviyo account and set up a Google Tag Manager container. If you are unable to follow the instructions below, please fill out this form.

About Klaviyo

Klaviyo is a marketing automation platform that automates SMS and email marketing to help businesses acquire, retain and grow their customers. Klaviyo is well known and used by eCommerce owners as it integrates seamlessly with most eCommerce platforms such as Shopify, Woocommerce, and others.

The Tracking and Attribution Challenge

When you acquire your customers through paid media campaigns, your goal is to drive maximum ROAS to your campaigns. Yet, when email marketing is part of your marketing, the customers acquired through paid ads will hopefully come back to your shop via your email campaigns, promotions, and loyalty programs.

In these marketing scenarios, the repeat purchases will be attributed to your email campaigns rather than to your paid ads channels.

Over time, and if you are successful at your email marketing campaigns, the ratio of purchases attributed to your email campaigns, rather than your paid ad campaigns, will grow and will prevent you from clearly seeing the true ROAS of your paid ads.

How the Klaviyo AnyTrack integration solves this challenge

Once you enable the integration, AnyTrack will tag your subscribers according to their original ad campaign sources, and any subsequent conversions, regardless of when they happen, will be attributed and reported according to their original ad campaigns.

Important to remember

  • The integration does not impact the Ad Networks attribution window.
  • In Klaviyo, conversions will still be attributed based on the email campaigns subscribers receive.
  • You still need a working integration between your Shop and Klaviyo


  1. Klaviyo account
  2. An AnyTrack account with a Personal Plan or higher
  3. A Google Tag Manager Account

Setup instructions:

In Klaviyo

Step #1: Navigate to the UTM Tracking settings

Click on UTM Tracking

Step #2: Create the new parameters according to the illustration (below)

1. AnyTrack tracking parameter: atclid

  1. Click on Add a custom UTM Parameter
  2. Set the UTM Parameter name to atclid
  3. Select the Campaign Email Value External id ($id)
  4. Select the Flow Email Value External id ($id)

2. Klaviyo id parameter: klcid

  1. Click on Add a custom UTM Parameter
  2. Set the UTM Parameter name to klcid
  3. Select the Campaign Email Value Klaviyo Profile ID
  4. Select the Flow Email Value Klaviyo Profile ID

Click on Users…

3. Enable the option Automatically add UTM parameters to links

Click on Automatically add UTM parameters to links

The UTM Tracking will automatically append these new parameters to your campaign's URLs which will enable AnyTrack to attribute any new conversion to its original acquisition source.

Step #3: Navigate to the Klaviyo API settings

  1. Give your API Key a name
  2. Reveal the key and copy it (you will need it in the following steps)


Step #4: Add the Google Tag Manager container to your website

This step is required if you have published Klaviyo forms on your website and visitors are subscribing to your Klaviyo account prior to making a purchase.

Note: Because the Klaviyo forms load via Javascripts, standard tracking methods prevent AnyTrack from capturing the submission events and their associated data. Therefore, we recommend GTM, which has the required data collection capabilities to pull the necessary data.

The GTM template enables the following actions:

  1. Loads the AnyTrack Tracking Tag
  2. Tracks the Klaviyo Form submission event
  3. Passes Klaviyo event data to AnyTrack JS API

Steps to install the GTM Container

  1. Download the Google Tag Manager container template here
  2. Import the container into your Google Tag Manager workspace*
  3. Update the AnyTrack Property ID with your own.

  4. Submit the container.

Note: If you already have the AnyTrack Tag in your GTM Workspace, you should remove it.

Step #5: Request the integration

Once you have followed the instructions, you can request the integration using this form.

  1. Provide the Property ID for which this integration will be activated - How to find my propertyId
  2. Provide the Klaviyo API Key you created in Step #3
  3. Provide the Klaviyo List ID against which AnyTrack will validate and update the subscribers
    1. We recommend creating a new list for this specific purpose.
    2. Make sure this is not a Segment ID, or the validation will fail.
