How to integrate AnyTrack with Gravity forms

Learn how to track your Gravity Forms with AnyTrack and improve your data collection.

Gravity Forms is a WordPress plugin that allows website owners to create simple and advanced forms to collect customer data and then activate this data through email marketing or other marketing methods.

Gravity Forms and AnyTrack integration overview:

Once the form is submitted, the Gravity Forms plugin will trigger the AnyTrack webhook and send through the submitted data to AnyTrack.

AnyTrack will record a conversion, process the data and forward it to your connected ad platforms according to the required data mapping.

Remember- The more values you send from AnyTrack to your ad platforms (facebook, google) the better your attribution will be. 

To start tracking your leads from Gravity, you will need the following:

  1. A Gravity account
  2. An AnyTrack account with a Personal Plan or higher
  3. The AnyTrack Tag set on your website

Step by step guide:

Three main steps:

  1. Set a hidden parameter in the form
  2. Install the webhook option in Gravity
  3. Connect the webhook with AnyTrack

Step #1 In Gravity Form

  1. Open the form settings
    1. Set the default value to --CLICK-ID--
    3. Parameter name: --CLICK-ID--Add a hidden field Label: click_id
    4. Add a webhook
  2. Toggle the Advanced options


  1. Add a webhook

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In order to add the webhook options to your Gravity form, follow the instructions: 

1. Go to Adds-Ons under Forms 

2. Activate webhooks Add-On
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In order to set the webhook and start tracking the leads, follow the instructions:

  1. Go back to the relevant form
  2. Open Settings -> Webhooks 
  3. Paste the webhook url from your custom integration in AnyTrack.
  4. Under request body add as many variables as you can to increase the match rate and speed of attribution for your ad platforms. 

💡Advanced matching fields recommended by Facebook:

Email    First Name    Last Name    Phone    External ID    Gender    Birthdate    City    State or Province    Zip or Postal Code    Country

❗click_id field is mandatory

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That's it 🎉

How to generate a webhook URL in AnyTrack:

Step 1: We have to create a custom integration.
In order to do that, we will go to the integrations section and look for custom: 
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Step 2:  Fill in the name of the integration ( The URL is not obligatory) :
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Step 3: In order to create the webhook URL, it's obligatory to set click ID and commission parameters. You can just insert "0" or whatever dummy-value you want. (we will not use these parameters)

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Step 4: After clicking save, you will get your webhook URL. Copy until the (not including) question mark.
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