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How to Integrate Formidable Forms to AnyTrack

In this guide we will learn how to easily connect Formidable Forms so we record the conversions in AnyTrack.

In AnyTrack

  • Create a custom integration

  • Give your integration a name (leave Login URL blank). Click "CREATE" button

  • Add dummy values and save

  • Copy the Postback/Webhook URL

In Formidable Forms

  • Open form settings settings

  • Action Notifications > Send API Data

  • Paste the webhook - (remove the query parameters, including ?)

  • Select JSON

  • Map the data according to this format (click image to enlarge)

Update your form with hidden click_id field:

You must add a hidden field to pass the click_id into the form.

  • Type: "Hidden"
  • label:

  • default value: