Does AnyTrack support cross-domain tracking?

AnyTrack enables you to track cross-domain conversions while using first-party data.

AnyTrack enables you to track cross-domain conversions while using first-party data. It will capture the visitor's first-party data and traffic information on your first domain and pass it to any other websites connected to your AnyTrack account.

To measure sessions, AnyTrack sets and collects the client ID in every hit. Client Ids are stored in cookies - in the first-party scope of your site. When you measure sessions across multiple domains, the client ID has to pass from one domain to the other. Since cookies are stored on a per-domain basis, and websites on one domain cannot access cookies set for another domain, AnyTrack enables you to pass that information using the atclid parameter.

Learn how to How to set up a cross-domain tracking?