Custom Integration

Learn how to track conversions from integrations that are not prebuilt in AnyTrack

Connecting your conversion source with AnyTrack is essential in order to track conversions.
In case that you don't find your conversions source integration in our catalog, you can use the custom conversion source available in the catalog.


💡Good to know

A conversion source is where the conversion takes place - a partner website, affiliate network, e-commerce platform, CRM, a course platform etc... 

Option #1 Server Side integration

If you're not familiar with the difference between Server Side and Client Side Tracking you should read more about it here.


  • You need a webhook from Zapier or Integromat

💡 You can learn more about webhooks here

  • Generate a ClickID for your offer links - our tracking method is based on creating ClickID for tracking the events on your website. By inserting AnyTrack tag into your website, AnyTrack will generate a clickId automatically.

Client-side tracking

📹 Check out the next tutorial about how to trigger standard events


To activate client side tracking you need to set the AnyTrack Tag on your website, and add the Event Snippet where you'd like to trigger the events.

For example, if you want to trigger a Lead event when a user reaches a "thank you" page, you'd want to add the following snippet on the thank you page.

This is an example of the “Lead” event snippet:

// trigger a lead event
var click_id = AnyTrack('trigger', 'Lead');


Or an OutboundClick followed by a redirect

<button type="button" onclick="handleBuyMe">Buy Me</button>
function handleBuyMe() {
    var click_id = AnyTrack('trigger',
    window.location =
        '' +

You can change the event name with any of the standard event names below:

  • PageView
  • ViewContent
  • OutboundClick
  • FormSubmit
  • AddToCart
  • Lead
  • InitiateCheckout
  • AddPaymentInfo
  • CompleteRegistration
  • Purchase

Standard Event names are case sensitive

If you want to trigger custom events? Learn how to do it here

What shall I do if I am not a programmer?

If you're not a programmer, the AutoScan function enables you to "click & define" your tracking settings, without writing a line of code.

How to use the AutoScan function:

  1. Navigate to the property settings
  2. Open the autoscan tab
  3. Search the page where the element you'd like to track is
  4. Decide which element or page you would like to mark as an event.
  5. Pick the relevant event from the drop down menu

Once you've updated the elements, anytrack will automatically send them to your Facebook Pixel / api and Google Ads via API in the tracking pixels section.