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  2. Advanced & Custom Tracking

Cross-domain tracking challenges

Due to strict browser privacy settings, ITP, ETP, and user tracking/cookies, data can't be shared across domains.

Due to strict browser privacy settings, ITP, ETP, and user tracking/cookies, data can't be shared across domains.

Therefore, when users navigate from **Domain A** to **Domain B**, Google Analytics, Facebook Pixels, and other pixels will initiate a new user session with new first-party data, cookies, and tracking information.

In cases where you advertise the landing page on **Domain A**, which promotes products on **Domain B**, you will want to attribute the conversions to ad clicks that triggered the initial visit on **Domain A**.

Since the user's first-party data (i.e. Google Cookie ID) is associated with **Domain A**, it can't be used on **Domain B**, and consequently, the conversions can't be attributed to the initial ad click.

1. **landing-page-blog.com** - A landing page or blog where you review/promote products sold on your Shopify store.
2. **my-store.com** - a Shopify store where your visitors can purchase your products.

AnyTrack TAG has a linking function that allows the first domain to place the clientId in the URL parameters of the destination URL parameter of a link. This way, the destination domain can read the clientId from the URL parameter and use it for tracking purposes.