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How to integrate CJ Affiliates with AnyTrack

Learn how AnyTrack integrates with the Amazon Associate affiliate program and enables you to improve your affiliate revenues.

Learn how to integrate CJ Affiliates with AnyTrack so you can track your conversions in Google Analytics, Facebook Conversion API, and your other tools.

About CJ Affiliates

Since day one, CJ has focused on creating innovative tech that meets merchant needs. Founded in Santa Barbara, California, in 1998, CJ (formerly Commission Junction) continues to lead the industry as the largest, most trusted name in global performance marketing, specializing in affiliate marketing technology and services.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to get started with AnyTrack.

This tutorial includes the 3 core elements of the AnyTrack platform:

  • The AnyTrack TAG setup

  • The Integration with Google Analytics and the Facebook Conversion API.

  • The Integrations with Affiliate Networks such as CJ Affiliates and Impact.

At the end of the tutorial, you'll be able to see and use your affiliate conversions in Google Analytics and in the Facebook Pixel.

How does the CJ AnyTrack integration work

When you've added your AnyTrack Tag to your site and connected your CJ Affiliates API to your AnyTrack account, several things will happen simultaneously:

  1. AnyTrack will AutoTrack and AutoTag your CJ affiliate links
  2. AnyTrack will fire OutboundClick events to your ad pixels and Analytics
  3. AnyTrack will start fetching conversions from the CJ Affiliates API
  4. AnyTrack will send Lead and Purchase events to your ad pixels and Analytics.

CJ Affiliates step-by-step guide:

  1. Get a developer account in CJ (click here)
  2. Create a Personal Token
  3. In AnyTrack, Install CJ Affiliates integration
  4. Paste your Personal token and publisher ID
  5. Save

When you'll save your settings, AnyTrack will connect to the CJ API and validate the connection.

CJ Affiliates link tracking methods

As explained in the affiliate link tracking section, AnyTrack Tag will AutoTag affiliate links according to two criteria

  1. If you've published your links directly on your site

  2. According to a link attribute called data-tracking-group="cj"

  3. AutoScan - The crawler will scan your links and tag them accordingly.

AutoTag Demo

This demo demonstrates how the AnyTrack Tracking Tag identifies and Automatically Tags CJ offer links

👉 CJ offer link before AutoTag:


 👉 CJ offer link After Autotag:


Live demo: You can hover on the CJ offer link to see the sid parameter being appended

✅ Hover on the CJ Offer Link

CJ Affiliates Conversions

Anytrack will automatically fetch conversion data through the API integration and display the results in your campaign reports and across the dashboard.

Conversion types

CJ Affiliates has two conversion types in their dataset, and they are automatically translated into standard events

  • Sales -> Purchase
  • Leads -> Lead

CJ Conversion data example

"websiteName": "*****",
"actionType": "item_sale",
"actionTrackerName": "* Purchase",
"pubCommissionAmountUsd": "14.8",
"commissionId": "2990802105",
"actionStatus": "new",
"shopperId": "Zojr5qPr0SUJ8n4GiF2h4tOU", //anytrack clickid
"postingDate": "2022-05-10T03:30:19Z",
"items": [
"perItemSaleAmountPubCurrency": "148",
"quantity": 1,
"totalCommissionPubCurrency": "14.8"
"advertiserName": "**",
"eventDate": "2022-05-10T02:34:48Z"


FAQ and Troubleshooting

AnyTrack provides a conversion log where you can visualize your conversion data in real-time. The log shows errors and successes, which allows you to see why conversions aren't trackable.

You can access the CJ Affiliates conversion log here.

Missing clickid:

This is the most common error with affiliate networks. Essentially, it means that for some reason, AnyTrack couldn't pass the click_id to your offer link.

Here are a few pointers that might help you solve these errors:

  • Are you sending traffic from websites that are not connected to AnyTrack?

  • Are you sending traffic directly to offer links via your social channels or email campaigns?

  • Are some conversions the result of clicks that happened before you started tracking with AnyTrack?

Disconnected CJ API Token

If your CJ API token is erased or not valid AnyTrack won't be able to connect to your CJ Account Data.

If the CJ API returns too many timeout or error response,  Anytrack will pause the data connection. You will have to re-enable the connection from the AnyTrack dashboard.

The CJ sid parameter

CJ provides a single query parameter to pass the clickid parameter. Therefore, if you are currently using this parameter for other tracking methods, AnyTrack will Automatically append the AnyTrack clickid after your parameter and according to the following syntax:

sid=(yourParam + AT + clickId)

In practice, it will look like this:


If you need to parse this parameter for your own reports, you can get the data through the webhook endpoint.