What is AutoTag

Learn how the AutoTag function works and simplifies your tracking journey.

AutoTag is term that Google Ads marketers have seen in the Google Ads interface. It's a function that when enabled, allows Google Ads to pass the Google Click Identifier (GCLID).

The GCLID is passed to the advertiser website and can then be used for server side tracking, offline conversions, or any other measurement method.

Since AnyTrack primarily uses Server Side tracking, passing a unique click identifier is essential to track conversions. 

In short, you pass a unique id when a user clicks on a destination URL where such user will be able to perform an action - fill a form, purchase a product, book a demo etc...

For example, if you want to book a demo with the AnyTrack team you can click on the Calendly Link.

If you really click on it, you'll notice that when landing on the booking page the URL will include a 


We pass the clickid into the utm_term parameter since calendly does not expose custom parameters in their API.

How AutoTag works

When your website loads, the AnyTrack tag will identify trackable elements (forms and urls) and will append a parameter and a unique Click ID.


In Calendly's case, the parameter is utm_term since calendly doesn't expose custom parameters in their API.

How to activate AutoTag

By default, AnyTrack will automatically AutoTag links that are tied to integrated affiliate networks, form providers or other integrations.

AutoTag Default

This is a regular shareasale link, and as you can see when you hover on the url, the link is AutoTag with the afftrack parameter.


After AutoTag


Link attribute

Add a link attribute called data-tracking-group to the url you'd like to track, and anytrack will automatically append the tracking group.

<a href="https://trafficker.io/suggests/shareasale-deeplink/" data-tracking-group="shareasale" 
>Hover on the Demo Link to see the anytrack click_id</a>

Rel tag attribute

You can add the data tracking group in the rel attributes

<a href="https://trafficker.io/suggests/shareasale-deeplink/" rel="shareasale sponsored" 
>Hover on the Demo Link to see the anytrack click_id</a>

Yet, if your links are behind a redirect link you can

Manual tagging

This method is useful if you're integrating with a custom platform that is not yet known by Anytrack.

You need to know what subid the destination URL supports.

Add the subid parameter followed by Anytrack magic placeholder: --CLICK-ID--

When AnyTrack loads on your page, it will automatically substitute the --CLICK-ID-- placeholder with a unique click_id.


Below you will find a list of examples

Note that in these examples we've added the AnyTrack website that has the data-tracking-group attribute set to the integrated platform software.


<a href="https://anytrack.io" data-tracking-group="thrivecart" 
data-mce-href="https://anytrack.io">Hover on the Demo Link to
see the anytrack click_id</a>

DigiStore24 affiiliates

<a href="https://anytrack.io" data-tracking-group="digistore24" 
data-mce-href="https://anytrack.io">Hover on the digistore Demo
Link to see the anytrack click_id</a>

Digistore24 Merchants

If you are a Digistore24 merchant, then the clickid is passed into a different parameters and you'll have to set the parameter on the link

<a href="https://anytrack.io?dst24=--CLICK-ID--" 
data-mce-href="https://anytrack.io">Hover on the digistore Demo
Link to see the anytrack click_id</a>

The AutoTag Magic Token!

When you need to track a product or link that isn't integrated in AnyTrack, you can use the magic token that gets automatically replaced by the AnyTrack Tag

When AnyTrack finds the  --CLICK-ID-- token on a link or a form field, it will automatically substitute it with a unique Click Identifier.


As with the Digistore24 merchant integration which is not pre-set in AnyTrack you need to first set the parameter, and then the token.


<div><a href="https://jok3v.pay.clickbank.net/?cbitems=1" rel="clickbank">Hover on the Clickbank Demo 
Link to see the anytrack click_id</a></div>