Adding the AnyTrack Tag on your website

Learn how to install the AnyTrack Tracking Tag on your website, funnel or eCommerce platform.

AnyTrack is a light weight tracking tag that you add to your website's head section. it should load across your entire website and doesn't need to be manipulated to trigger or capture standard events.

The AnyTrack Tag: 

<!-- AnyTrack Tracking Code -->
! function(e, t, n, s, a) {
  (a = t.createElement(n)).async = !0, a.src = "", (t = t.getElementsByTagName(n)[0]).parentNode.insertBefore(a, t), e[s] = e[s] || function() {
        (e[s].q = e[s].q || []).push(arguments)
}(window, document, "script", "AnyTrack");
<!-- End AnyTrack Tracking Code -->

This is an example tag ☝️ which will not work!

There are 4 methods to add the Tag to your website:

  1. Add the Tag directly in the Head Section of your website
  2. Use one of the AnyTrack Plugin - for Affiliate Link manager or Woocommerce.
  3. Adding the Tag via Google Tag Manager.
  4. Use the Tag management system provided by your website builder (Instapage, ClickFunnels, etc...).

How to insert the AnyTrack Tag and validate the setup

  1. First copy AnyTrack Tag located in Property settings → tracking script
  2. Open your website head section and paste the code as high as possible.
  3. Validate the installation by visiting your website.

How to add AnyTrack TAG via Google Tag Manager (GTM)?

The Custom HTML Tag type allows you to deploy a custom HTML tag such as AnyTrack TAG.

To create a new Custom HTML tag:

  1. In Google Tag Manager, click Tags in the navigation.
  2. Click New to create a new tag.
  3. Name your Tag (example: AnyTrack TAG).
  4. Click Tag Configuration.
  5. Select Custom HTML for the tag type.
  6. Copy the tag code on the property settings and paste it into the HTML field. 
    Note: Always place JavaScript inside <script></script> HTML tags.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Click Add Trigger.
  9. Select All Pages so that the Script Manager code appears on all pages of your site.
  10. Click Save to save your new Tag.
  11. Click Submit.
  12. Name your version (example: Adding AnyTrack) and add a description.
  13. Click Publish to make your new Tag live.

From now on, AnyTrack will automatically capture meaningful events such as OutboundClick, FormSubmit, add to cart, and initiate checkout events.

In order to track conversions such as purchases, leads, and eCommerce journeys, you will need to add a conversion source available in the integration catalog.