How does AnyTrack work?

AnyTrack tracking is based on three main components:

AnyTrack tracking is based on three main components:

  1. When visitors hit your website, AnyTrack fully instruments traffic data and event collection:
    1. Collect traffic, campaign, and audience data (standard and custom parameters).
    2. AutoTrack events (form submissions + outbound clicks) to your pixels and analytics.
  2. Track conversions from affiliate networks, CRM, and API.
    1. AnyTrack collects conversions via API or Postback tracking.
    2. Standardize conversion types (lead, CPA, purchase).
  3. Sends conversion data to pixels, Analytics & marketing tools.
    1. Forwards conversion events via server-side/API to pixels/analytics for advertising attribution.
    2. Forwards conversion events via server-side/API to pixels & analytics for audience building.
    3. Sends conversion events via webhook to Zapier/Integromat so you can use the data in your marketing tools - email marketing platforms, reporting, CRM.

Once your data is in your pixels and analytics, you can fully leverage it to optimize your campaigns according to any type of conversions, build custom audiences, and lookalike audiences according to your best possible audience data.

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