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Amazon Associates Integration

Learn how to integrate Amazon Associates affiliate program with your AnyTrack account.

Amazon Associates Tracking Limitations

Click ID Tracking: Amazon does not provide a method or report that enables marketers to attribute sales to a unique click identifier such as the AnyTrack Click ID or Google Ads gclid.

Sales Tracking: Amazon does not integrate with any third party tracking  software.

About Amazon Associates Affiliate Program

The Amazon Associates Program is one of the largest affiliate networks in the world that helps content creators, publishers, and website owners monetize their traffic. With millions of products to choose from on Amazon.com, Amazon Associates use easy link-building tools to direct their readers to products and earn from qualifying purchases. 

Amazon Associates tracking limitations

Amazon Associates is very limited when it comes to conversion tracking. 

  • You can't add dynamic parameters to your links
  • You can't set a postback URL or webhook in your account to get notified about conversions

What you can do, is add a static tracking ID on your links. This tracking ID enables you to aggregate data for a specific placement, website, or marketing campaign.

While these limitations prevent granular tracking and attribution, they do not prevent you from "tagging" visitors who show interest in a specific product or a product category.

How AnyTrack helps you track your Amazon affiliate links

AnyTrack automatically tracks (learn more about AutoTrack) your Amazon links and fires Outbound click events:
Screen Shot 2022-05-15 at 17.01.07

AutoTrack Amazon offer link example

What can I do as a marketer with those conversions?

Audience building

Once the tracked events are sent to your ad pixels, you can use them to create Custom and Look-Alike audiences in the advertisement & analytics networks:

  • Google Analytics
  • Facebook Pixel
  • Other advertising integrations

Retargeting Campaigns

Once you start feeding your ad pixels with quality audiences, you can run retargeting campaigns based on these audiences and display your ads to warm audiences that showed interest in your products. 

Google Analytics integration

By sending the tracked conversions from AnyTrack to Google Analytics, you will be able to get more data out of your audiences. You will be able to learn the Demographics data of your interested audience, like Gender, Age, and geographic location.

By using this data, you will be able to create a custom audience in your campaigns considering the Demographics data and getting to new audiences with proven demographics.

Find similar products on other programs

You can find similar products on other programs such as Walmart (which is integrated via Impact), Aliexpress (soon to be integrated), and plenty of other programs available in AnyTrack.