Standard Events

Understand the definition and implementation of standard conversions with AnyTrack. Learn how to optimize your conversion tracking to maximize ROAS.

AnyTrack uses standard naming conventions that align with the industry best practices. This allows you to use a single naming convention and let AnyTrack translate, format, and forward your events and their related properties to your Conversion API integrations.

AnyTrack standard Events

The AnyTrack platform triggers standard events via the AnyTrack JS Tag or via the Server-Side API when the event is triggered by a third-party platform (Affiliate Network, eCommerce platform, Zapier, or an external resource).

If you are using server-side API, read through this guide on Webhooks.

Standard events names:

Event NameDescriptionEvent Source Type
PageViewEvery page view event is automatically tracked. (PageView is the only standard event that doesn't generate a click_id by default).Browser
ViewContentWhen a user views a product pageBrowser
OutboundClickWhen a user clicks on an external link.Browser
AddToCartWhen a user clicks on an Add To Cart ButtonBrowser & Server-side
InitiateCheckoutWhen a user starts a checkoutBrowser & Server-side
AddPaymentInfoWhen a user adds it's payment details.Browser & Server-side
FormSubmitWhen a user fills an online formBrowser
LeadWhen AnyTrack API receives a lead event with a 0 monetary value.Server-Side
CompleteRegistrationWhen AnyTrack API receives a lead event with a Monetary value.Server-Side
PurchaseWhen AnyTrack receives a Purchase event with a Monetary Value.Server-Side

Standard Event Attributes:


Pro tip

Event Attributes are automatically translated and mapped to Ad Platforms' standard attributes. For example, the brand attribute is mapped to the content_name used in Facebook Conversion API.

Parameter nameTypeDefault ValueNotes
click_idstring-Required parameter if no refId is present.
event_namestring-One of the standard event names, or a custom event name.
eventValuenumber-Revenue for ecommerce.
transactionIdstring-transaction or order id. This value is used for deduplication.
timestampintegerUse this parameter if you want to override the receivedAt timestamp.
commissionnumberRevenue for affiliates marketers
refIdstring-An external_id aliased to the AnyTrack click_id triggered in a browser event. Required when no clickid is sent. Learn more about using External ID as Click ID.
idstring-The link id
urlstring-The page where the event took place or or the previous page that triggered the event.
labelstring-The link label
brandstring-Brand name
currencystringProperty Currency3 letters currency (i.e. "USD" or "EUR"). If not provided will default to your property default currency.
itemsObject[]Array of items included in the cart
quantitynumber1Quantity of items

When triggering an Event, AnyTrack collects the data you send through your JS tag and will also tie additional parameters that are natively collected through the JS Tag (Cookies, IP, User Agent...).

Customer data

The following parameters are also supported for better matching and attribution. Those values will be automatically formatted and sent to Ad Platforms Conversion API.

Parameter nameTypeExampleNotes
emailstring[email protected]
fullNamestringJohn SmithOptional, can be provided instead of first and last names
phonestring+1 (650) 555 4444Including country code and area code
birthdatestringMay 26, 1991 or 1991-05-26
citystringMenlo Park
statestringCATwo-letter state or province code
zipcodenumber94025Zip or Postal Code
countrystringUS or United StatesTwo-letter country code is recommended


Good to know:

You don't need to hash the data as AnyTrack automatically formats and hashes the required data according to the ad pixels and analytics requirements.

E-Commerce parameters

If you are integrated with an eCommerce platform, you can add a list of "items" following the parameters below:

Item parameterTypeDefault ValueNotes
idstring-The item id/sku (required)
namestring-The item name
quantitynumber1amount of items
pricenumber-the item price (required)

Example of a Client Side JS Tag (purchase event)

Here is a complete example of how to use the event parameter when triggering an event:

  var click_id = AnyTrack('trigger', 'Purchase', {  
    value: 29.9, // the total purchase value  
    shippingPrice: 5.9, // optional shipping price  
    taxPrice: 2.9, // optional taxes  
    currency: 'EUR',  
    transactionId: 'XJW0047',  
    email: '[email protected]',  
    firstName: 'John',  
    lastName: 'Smith',  
    items: [{  
      id: '20291', // the item catalog id (required)  
      name: 'Sony MDRZX110/BLK ZX Series Stereo Headphones',  
      quantity: 1,  
      price: 19.9 // the item price (required)  
    }, {  
      id: '49292', // the item catalog id (required)  
      name: '6.35mm Male 3.5mm Female Headphone Stereo Audio Connector',  
      quantity: 1,  
      price: 4.1 // the item price (required)  


When are 'OutboundClick' events triggered?

The OutboundClick event is triggered when a user clicks on an external link on your website. This could be an affiliate link, a link to a third-party website, or any other external link. During this event, a unique click_id is automatically generated by the AnyTrack tracking Tag.

Why do 'OutboundClick' events generate a Click ID?

The click_id is generated during OutboundClick events to track and attribute user interactions on your website, building a comprehensive customer journey timeline. This data is then sent to ad platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads, allowing them to accurately attribute conversions to your ads and optimize campaigns.